Hello all, I have been thinking about how to start this journey. I am not an expert, but I spend a lot of my time researching. I would like to share two important resources.

  1. homesteadingfamily.com. – Is a great free video series that explains how to incorporate natural healing into everyday life.
  2. deeprootsathome.com – is an excellent resource from a medical to natural professional

I have learned over the last twenty years how important “you are what you eat” can be to your health. If you take the time to watch the videos from Homesteading Family you see that the first level of defense is food. I have Ménière’s disease which is an inner ear problem that has me checking labels for salt content. I can’t tell you how horrified I was when I started reading food labels. Check for ingredients that you can’t pronounce, salt, and anything that says “natural flavorings”.

Since salt is an issue with my condition I have found that most canned foods are heavily salted. Even something as simple as a can of corn. The recommended daily salt intake is 2300mg of salt which is 1 teaspoon. This is the canned good content not what you add with a salt shaker. Not everyone has the same issue as me, but if you have a health issue or even a potential health issue then you need to know how your diet impacts that health issue and make a change.

CHANGE. A word that most people fear. I suggest that you take the most impactful habit that has an impact and change that first. Don’t do a total life style change, pick one thing that has the most impact and work on that only. If you smoke, STOP. Whatever that takes. If you drink soda (pop) even if it is diet, STOP. If you drink alcohol, limit your quantity. OK, I am not giving up homemade wine.

If you have a bad habit that you know you need to change. If you need help with a replacement, contact me and we will find a healthy replacement together. I have made changes in my life and I have many more to make, but one step at a time. Let’s step together.

Have a blessed day. Let’s start a journey together.

Carol Rondeau